Research Interest

I am generally interested in applying AI and machine learning (ML) techniques for the efficient use of resources. More recently, I have been investigating smart energy systems where machine intelligence dictates the use of energy and resources in an optimal and efficient manner. The application domain of my interests are smart homes and smart grids and I am currently invovled in a number of projects in this area. I am also interested in the general application of multiagent system techniques in the energy domain, as evident in my publications.

Previously, my PhD study was focused on the optimal use of energy via energy exchange in smart homes. The interdisciplinary nature of this problem exposed me to a number of disciplines including economics (barter/exchange economies), game theory (computational aspects, equilibrium analysis), multiagent systems (complex negotiations, scalable systems) and mathematical optimisation (mostly LP and MIP).

In addition, I enjoy reading about research in a number of areas, specially, in many psychology related fields (experimental and behavioural psychology are my favourites). I am also keen in topics where psychology meets philosophy and computer science. My work takes up most of my time and despite my wishes I am not involved in such research endeavours but that has never stopped me from contemplating my own views when I am taking a bath.